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In and out few weeks

Well the last few weeks have been interesting, I had a week away with Greg and Ella and some of Greg's family in Cornwall, which was lovely although a little busy for me - too many people... However we really needed a break and seemed to spend most of the time reading or sleeping, mind you after being back for nearly a week I feel like I have never been away!

We have a new member of staff, Anne Marie who has fitted in so well it feels like she has always worked with us, her and Sinade work really well together and I felt happy and confident when I was away that everything would be fine, which it was.

Before we went we ran WIlly Brennan and Starfoot at Stratford, Willy ran a blinder finally learning to settle and breathe, he finished fourth but unfortunately pulled a ligament during the race, which is heartbreaking considering all the injuries he has had and how much we have over come with him. The prognosis is ok and he is at a vet's/rehab yard down in Hampshire, Shane Fouey is the vet who owns the practice and if I were a horse I would want to go there to recover. He has an amazing water walker which can be set at what ever depth the horses need, a water treadmill, a normal treadmill, lasers, spa for the horses and the most amazing stabling and treatment rooms.

Willy Brennan Stratford

Starfoot ran a blinder and finished 3rd, probably hit a bit of a flat spot as the others were quickening and then stayed on again too late, he came out of the race bucking and kicking and felt brilliant when I cantered him Saturday so I decided to run him again Tuesday of this week at Southwell. Wrong decision, although the ground was lovely when we got there it dried up so quickly in the hot weather that it was far too quick for him and it was too soon after Stratford, he shall be having a well earned break and then we will run again when the ground is right for him.

The others are all at various stages of roadwork or starting to canter and although we won't have as many as last year I am hoping that the quality and soundness is improved. Marmont is going to Worcester on Tuesday providing the ground is good, I wouldn't risk him if it has any firm in it. We are still nebulising the runners due to it being harvest time and you never know how much dust and debris is in the atmosphere, Ella has been helping everyday in the yard and all the horses adore her and her riding is coming on in leaps and bounds.

FInally I am looking for some events to do with WIbble, providing I have the time - although he's not entirely convinced by the whole "time to earn your keep" idea...

Wibble thinks competing is hilarious...

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