Racing Needs To Up Its Game
I have been very quiet about the whole Bryony/Robbie situation as I have been waiting to see what happened, not knowing first hand what...

Equissistant and Horses
Morning all, this is a two part blog, the first part is all about my new business Equissistant and why I developed it, what it is and how...

Panorama Rubbish
I have been so busy and the heat really get’s to me, so I didn’t watch that program last night on BBC1, to be honest I had no intention...
We Need To Change
I’m sitting at my desk having spent the morning yesterday with Anton the chiropractor treating the horses and then had a straighten up...

This week has been a difficult week, no real reason if I'm honest, just difficult. I think we are all struggling to find any light at...

Update From Common Farm
Good morning all you lovely people out there in this crazy world, I thought I would just do a small blog and give you an update on what...
The Fate of The Small Trainer and Average Horse
All morning whilst riding out I have been thinking about writing a blog and addressing a couple of issues, which may be uncomfortable for...

Lockdown Thoughts
We are into our 7th week of Lockdown and I thought I would finally do a small blog. It's looking likely that racing may resume before...

Trying Times
Hello all you lovely people, I hope you are coping with this dreadful situation and you are staying healthy? I thought about writing some...

Ramblings On Another Abandoned Day Of Racing
Hello lovely people in blog land, I trust you are all well and not floating away in the floods of 2020, seriously I am looking out of my...